Team leader: Fabrice BUREL, Professor

The activity of the MM team focuses on the development of sustainable macromolecular systems through the synthesis of biobased materials and the use of a green process such as photopolymerization, in which we have a long-lasting expertise. The main issues studied are the elimination of harmful agents or oil-based molecules in synthesis processes (Cr, HCHO, isocyanate, styrene) (i), and the development of SMART Materials (heat-sensitive, pH-sensitive, self-repairing, or with specific properties).


Biobased materials ; Photopolymerisation ; Smart Materials

Examples of achievements:

Synthesis scheme of photocrosslinkable isocyanate free polyurethanes (NIPU).
Possibility of modulating the cloud point temperature of a lipid-b-poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) based thermosensitive micellar system by physical mixing with a second fully hydrophilic copolymer (C18-b-poly(ethylene oxide)).
Evolution of the refractive index of acrylic formulations (Bis-GMA + TEGDMA) versus Bis-GMA weight percentage before and after photopolymerization - Optical properties evolution of composite formulations (acrylic matrix + SiO2) during photopolymerization: (a) Scattering medium; (b) Scattering medium becoming transparent; (c) Initially scattering medium, becoming transparent and then scattering again.


Laboratoire Polymères, Biopolymères, Surfaces, UMR 6270 CNRS
INSA Rouen Normandie
Bâtiment Darwin
685 Avenue de l’Université
76801 Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray CEDEX

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